Monday, February 15, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas almost two months late! A lot has happened since our last post (which Aunt Lynn told me was two months and two days ago). I guess this is very overdue. A lot has happened in the life of Adelynn Jo.
Some highlights:
*The first steps came on December 2. I had a snow day, so I was home to see them. What a gift that was!! Since that point, she is more and more confident, and now, she walks all the time, everywhere. It's amazing how fast she can move and get around. Just tonight, she has discovered that she can climb on top of and balance on two of her toys. If our little monkey keeps it up, I will try to grab some pictures. It's really quite amazing that she can climb on top of her little zebra and stand on it when she can't even sit on it and have her feet touch the floor.
*Adelynn has 6 teeth now. She got her bottom two first, then she got the two teeth to the side of her front teeth. We called them her little fangs. Ironically enough, these teeth popped through right when the new Twilight movie came out, so she must have been a vampire fan. We also could joke that all she wanted for Christmas was her two front teeth. In the last couple of weeks, those have popped through, too. We think two more will be coming soon.
*We are now getting hugs and kisses on a regular basis, especially when she first wakes up in the morning. This definitely warms our hearts and is something we look forward to every morning.
*We are starting to get a few sounds that a sounding a lot like words. A few that we hear often: Boo, Ha, and Uh-oh. The uh-oh is awfully cute. We heard it for the first time when after she dropped her spoon on the floor. We then conveniently dropped things on the floor periodically and she said it every time.
*Adelynn LOVES books and her baby doll. She can't get enough of her books. She will sit and look at them for hours (well, maybe not hours, but a long time). We have had to take away several books, though, because she not only likes to look at them, but she also enjoys eating them. We have several board books that are missing corners now. Our little beaver also did a number to her crib. Those six teeth are sharp :). She also got a baby doll from my cousin's family. She loves her baby, who doesn't have a name yet--suggestions welcome, and she gives her baby hugs and kisses and hauls it all over with her.
*Adelynn is starting to dance and move to music she hears. The jury is still out whether she will have her mom or dad's dance skills. We are both hoping she has Daddy's skills.
I know there is more that I am forgetting, but as I am putting up these two months worth of pictures, I will add more.

We find it hard to believe that we are quickly approaching her first birthday. Today a year ago was my first day of bedrest and the first day I was home on my "maternity" leave. It seems like it was just yesterday, and we are blown away with how fast this time has gone and how much Adelynn has changed, grown and developed. We are truly blessed.

I got a bit long-winded. Here are Christmas pictures. They are out of order, so I will label them. I will post more soon.

The Dornbos family Christmas party--lots of fun exchanging white elephant gifts.

Great Grandma Dornbos using an old Navajo soothing trick on Adelynn--putty in her hands.

Getting ready to take off walking in another Christmas outfit :).

Another picture of the outfit. This time you get to see the socks. I started her on her Christmas sock collection early.

Adelynn and Oma

A little crawling machine. We don't see much crawling these days.

Another Christmas day picture. This time we are at the Brown's.

Too cute--working on those teeth.

Happy girl in her cute first Christmas pjs

Another Christmas morning pic. We got a smile this time.

I think Adelynn got a little spoiled this Christmas.

Loving the bows and the presents.

A Christmas card picture finalist

Bright and early Christmas morning before we left for my parents' house. Yay for self timers.

The Visser clan (minus a few who we missed A LOT) on Christmas Eve.
Christmas eve right before bed. She is 10 months old here. She didn't get to enjoy much of Christmas Eve--Mommy's favorite night of the whole year--because she had to go to bed, but she could still say hi to everyone.

Adelynn loves her food but doesn't like getting her face cleaned off.

Another Christmas outfit. Laughing at Grandpa while they were hanging out with Grandma Pastor.

Adelynn loves Brady as demonstrated here by her chasing him through the kitchen.

Adelynn loved our Christmas tree, especially the lights.

Grandma helped us make her famous Christmas cookies. I think we made about 7 or 8 different kinds and over 500 cookies. Nothing compared to what Grandma used to do, but it still took us the whole day. It was so nice to spend that time with Grandma.

Adelynn was very uninterested in Santa Clause. She was more interested in the other kids in line. Better than crying, though!

Visiting Santa Clause. All the other big kids were standing here and getting their pictures taken, so Adelynn decided she should, too.

In line to meet the big guy.

Another cute shirt from Mrs. Paula.

If you didn't know this about me, I am a little sentimental. Here are all three of our first Christmas ornaments. Mine on the left, Adelynn's in the middle and Mike's on the right. You can also see our first Christmas together ornaments.

Adelynn loved to play (or eat) with her Little People nativity set from Oma.

Brady, why are you outside?

Our little elf in her cute Christmas outfit from Mrs. Paula.

Daddy and Adelynn by the Christmas tree.

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