Sunday, November 22, 2009

38 weeks, 5 days

Today Adelynn is 38 weeks and 5 days old. This is significant because Adelynn was born when I was 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant. So, Adelynn has been here for as long as I was pregnant. It's hard to believe that she is so old already. She is getting bigger every day, and she makes us smile all the time. She is very mobile--moving all over, all the time. She crawls everywhere and pulls herself up on everything. She is starting to stand without holding on to anything after she has pulled herself up. It's pretty cute because she looks at us like she saying, "Hey, look at me! Look at what I'm doing!" She also spent all day yesterday saying variations of dadadada, dada, da, and hadadada. We are thinking she is getting very close to saying, "Hi, Daddy!" Occasionally, we get a babababa or mamama, but dadadada is definitely her sound of choice.
We put up our Christmas decorations last night after Adelynn was in bed, so this morning, she had a special surprise waiting for her. At first, she was only interested in the Little People nativity that Oma bought her before she was even born. Quickly, though, she became intrigued with the tree. She is definitely not one of those babies who ignores the tree or is scared of it. We have already had to move one ornament, and the tree will be barricaded off here shortly. You'll see in a picture below her curiosity with the tree.
As a side note, today also marks the day of our first kiss seven years ago. Yes, I'm too sentimental for my own good :).

Adelynn Jo's first ultrasound photo--I was 9 1/2weeks pregnant at this point. Even here, she was moving all over the place!

Just born here. So little and precious.

38 weeks and 5 days. It's hard to believe. You can see that she's standing here without holding on to anything.

She loves the Christmas tree. (Mike is holding on to her--we didn't just let her reach over the couch on her own :) ).

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