We are blown away by how fast Adelynn is growing and developing. It seems like every day she is doing something new. It's amazing to us that it has been 8 months already. Time is really flying, and we are not taking any minute for granted. As I have said many times on here, what a blessing we have!!
Here are some highlights over the last couple of months:
*Sitting up by herself--that happened on her 6 month birthday
*Army crawling. She can get everywhere she needs to go now. Yesterday, she even realized she could go on the linoleum. Mike was home with her during the day and said that she sat on the edge of the carpet and linoleum for about 10 minutes before deciding that she would venture into the new territory of the kitchen. Once she was on it, though, she made a break for it and made it to the other side of the kitchen in record time, and Mike had to bring her back. She is particularly interested in papers, which makes it interesting and challenging to grade papers around her now.
*Going from lying down to sitting up--this makes time in her crib a little interesting because when she wakes up, she just sits up now rather than lie down and fall back asleep
*Pulling herself up on her little play table, which has turned into pulling herself up on everything, including the furniture, us, her book basket, her pack-n-play at Paula's, and just this morning, her crib. I went in to get her this morning and she was standing up with her little eyes peeking over the top bar. Good thing Mike moved the mattress all the way down a couple of weeks ago!
*2 teeth (one is really showing and the other just peeked through)
*Her first go-round with amoxicillian (I'm sure I spelled that wrong)--she LOVES it, thankfully, and we just laughed because we remember so well the smell and taste of that thick, bubble gum medicine from when we were little
*Solid foods--rice cereal, vegetables, fruit
*Mastering (well, not quite) a sippy cup
*Lots of babbling--we have had "confirmed" cases of dadadadada, bababababa, hi, and Lynn--a couple of these--I'll let you decide which ones--may be a bit of a stretch.
*Maybe waving--time will tell
*And, finally, we've even had a few temper tantrums. These are just hilarious, for now :).
Below are a sampling of pictures to get you caught up in the life of Adelynn Jo:
Trying to escape out of her crib. It was right around this time we moved the mattress down to the lowest level.
Headed to her first triathlon to watch our friend Sarah race. She was rocking the Tigers hat and her sweatsuit from Uncle Denny and Aunt Jo.
My daddy said that peas are disgusting...
and I agree!
Yuck! (She likes them just fine now, though)
This is one of the only pictures that looks like me when I was a baby.
This is what we usually see. Adelynn is a super happy baby.
Adelynn and Mike have this uncanny ability to make each other fall asleep, and I can't resist the photo ops.
Little monkey
We just love seeing that smile--no visible teeth here, but she has two of them now. One of them you can really see every time she smiles.
7 months old exactly in this picture
Daddy asked me to help Mommy tackle some of the laundry, so I agreed.
Crawling has led to all sorts of interesting predicaments. She loves this table, especially now that she can pull herself up and play all the instruments. Mike and I learning all the songs, too:
Hello...the phone is ringing so I say hello...hello-hello...Good-bye, when I'm done talking then I say bye-bye...Bye-bye.
Carrots today (notice the covered pool in the back--sad :( ).
I put her in here so I could take a shower. I guess Adelynn wants a pillow in there with her now, and this is the best she could come up with.
Adelynn got to meet her Great-Grandma Brown--4 generations of the Brown family.
Adelynn chatting it up with Great-Grandma Brown.
4 generations with the Vissers
All ready for the cold weather.
Miss Paula brought all the kids to school for the homecoming assembly.
Adelynn is starting of early in following in Daddy's footsteps by studying Aunt Dena's human anatomy and physiology homework.
Adelynn pulled herself up onto her basket of books.
Then, she sat down and looked at her book.
This is what I walked into this morning (Adelynn's 8 months today). She had pulled herself up and was peeking over the top bar. She's a mover and a shaker. It's crazy how far she's come.