We have a little wiggle worm on our hands. She is rolling with ease now, most often putting her hand behind her head to give herself a little boost. We don't have a crawler yet, but we are amazed at how much distance
Adelynn can cover by what would best be described as scooting.
Adelynn will put her face into the ground, scrunch her knees underneath her, put her little buns up in the air and straighten out her legs. She then reaches for whatever if it is she has her sights set on (her Sesame books, her mirror, her fish toys, her pacifier, her little stuffed barking dog, etc.) and will pivot a little as she is reaching. We notice this most often when she winds up on the carpet, completely off of the mat (or 2 mats and blanket as I have started doing lately) we put down for her to play on and when she is in her crib.
She never is in the same position when she wakes up from when she falls asleep. Poor
Adelynn learned the hard way this morning that the slats of her crib are really, truly made of wood when she was smiling at her mommy and daddy this morning when we came to get her out of bed to get ready for church. She was so excited to see us, and of course, she had rotated about 270 degrees in her crib and moved closer to the side by about 6 inches. She lifted her head really high to smile at us, and then she put her head down. Unfortunately for her, her head met up with the slats before the mattress. She had a little red mark for a while, but it was gone by the time we got to church!
Here is some evidence of our little mover and shaker.
Adelynn is a our little
Zoolander--she can't turn left. She only rolls to her right. Here is a picture of her in the beginning stages of her rolling. She tuckered herself right out.

So tired from all that playing. Notice that she is now parallel with her toys and off of her mat.

So Big! (or Too Big! for my crib, Mommy).

I came in to her like this one morning. She had a big smirk on her face and both her legs were through the same slat. This is common--whether it's a leg, a foot, an arm, she can't stay in her crib (the doctor assured me this is just fine :) ). Let's hope this trying to get out of the crib doesn't continue when she's actually big enough to crawl out of her crib.

Here is how
Adelynn started out the night. I put her close to the side knowing that she will be rolling over shortly and I want her to have as much mattress as possible to work with, so we can
try to prevent our little wiggle worm from spilling out the side of her crib.

Here she goes. It's really funny when Mike and I go in when she's sleeping and put her back on her back. In her sleep, she'll try to roll over, even when our hand is on her tummy.

And here is how she woke up. It's amazing--180 degree spin and even closer to the side than when she went to bed.

Napping with her doll from
Oma. She is definitely buckled in in here! When she's awake, she's lifting up her legs and working on her abs, or she is working on her flexibility by grabbing her toes and trying to put them in her mouth (a goal she blew out of the water today).
Adelynn's favorite new sleeping position. She rolls over and her legs immediately go underneath her. She wakes up with red circles on her knees and has a blister on her toe--she's tough, though--nothing stops her from getting comfortable!